Wednesday, July 20, 2011

On Being Seen

There are a few things about which I am completely convinced. One of those is that we have many physical needs and a few psychological needs. One of those Needs is to be Seen. To be Noticed. To be IMPORTANT to someone, even for Just A Minute.

People are Egocentric. It's just a truth. Even if you declare that you live for someone else - to satisfy someone else's needs and whims - you really ultimately (it seems to me) are living to be Important to that person. It fulfills you to see that person filled and to be acknowledged for filling that person.

While we live, we write, we talk, we share, we post, we color, we sing, we express, we hope, we BE and we hope that someone will NOTICE that. How many times have you posted something on Facebook or on your own blog in the hopes that someone will notice and respond to that posting? How many times have you gotten a response and thrilled at the idea that someone read it, someone liked it, someone noticed? We want to be seen. We want to be heard. We want to be acknowledged. It makes us want to keep doing it! We feel Real.

What happens when no one notices our posts? What happens when no one sends us a one-line email reminding us that We are Important to Them? We worry. We sit in shadows. We fear invisibility. We shout, "SEE ME!"

And then Someone comes along and does. And it's good. It's very very good.