Friday, June 25, 2010

Dendrites & Butterflies

Cogito Ergo Sum.

Not merely Sum, but Cogito while Sum.

I am Jesuit educated. It's a fact about which I am tremendously proud. My father is also Jesuit educated and being a Daddy's Girl, I suppose that's part of why I maintain a tight grip on my pride in that education. I believe that being Jesuit educated set me up for a life of thinking inside, outside and all around the proverbial box. Being a graduate of a Jesuit school, I had to take many classes in world religions (not just Catholicism) and philosophy (including logic and ethics). In spite of some of my grades in these classes, I enjoyed them tremendously. I learned to Think. I learned that Being Without Thinking is not Being at all, but instead is merely existing.

A friend of mine (The Music Man) said that I should write more. He's right. The Music Man reminded me that I am more than the sum of my parts. Without Thinking, and expressing those thoughts here, I merely exist. Sum, but not Cogito. Because I Think, I Exist.

Therefore, welcome to Dendrites & Butterflies. This is where I think.

Why Dendrites & Butterflies? The easy answer is that I think it's funny. Dendrites are also the branched extensions of nerve cells. They're the synapses along which impulses are transmitted to the cell body. Butterflies are some of the most remarkable creatures on earth. They are beautiful, hardy, delicate, huge, tiny, dangerous and gentle. I don't pretend to think of myself as a butterfly, that's too simplistic. But Thought is like a butterfly. Also, it's my blog, so I get to pick the title. So there.

That's all.